With all the hustle and bustle of life, it can be very easy to let simple things around your house like maintenance and upkeep go unattended. For example, one of the most simple, quickest things you can do to keep your AC system working well is changing out the air filter.
The air filter in your air conditioner is responsible for filtering out dust, dirt and bacteria in the air of your home, so that clean air is provided. Below, Champion Home Services has provided detailed explanations on how indoor air quality can affect your health, and how to keep your air clean.
Indoor Air Quality Effects On Health
If you or someone within your household suffers from any kind of respiratory conditions, such as asthma or emphysema, or has allergies, then you should know indoor air quality can make a huge difference in health. A dirty air filter can make all the difference!
When the air inside your home is polluted, it can lead to an increase in asthma attacks. As pollen can also become trapped within your air filters, you may also see more allergy flare-ups that are persistent. For those of you who live in the Hill Country area, you know cedar can cause severe allergies.
What Happens When Air Filters Don’t Get Cleaned
Not cleaning your air filters can lead to a major decrease in your air conditioning system’s efficiency. For example, the Department of Energy states that dirty air filters can cause an AC system to have decreased efficiency by 15%. Additionally, this can cause the other components in your AC to become dirtier than they should, and work harder as well. This will not only cause an increase in energy usage, but utility bills as well.
As if it could not get any worse, if the other parts of your air conditioner begin to overwork themselves due to dirty air filters, this may cause an abundance of costly repairs.
How To Prevent Unclean Air In Your Home
The best thing you can do to keep the air in your home clean is to regularly change the air filters. It is best recommended to do this once a month, especially if you live in areas with high levels of pollen or dust. If not, you might be able to stretch your filters to 2 months.
Regardless, changing your filter is a quick, cheap and effective way of keeping the air in your home clean. Additionally, it can help keep the other parts of your AC system working as optimal levels.
Another alternative to helping keep your air pure is to invest in an air purifier, or buy some plants! Though an air purifier will work more efficiently, several plants such, as the snake plant, work well to filter out any toxins and airborne matter in the air. Plus, getting some plants to help with air purification can also help add pops of color and vibrance to your space!
Contact Champion Home Services For All Indoor Air Quality Concerns
If you are concerned about the air quality levels in your home, contact Champion Home Services for a free indoor air quality test today! A certified technician will be able to assess the indoor air quality in your home and can make recommendations, as well as provide any other HVAC maintenance tips. Call or message Champion today!