It’s hard to imagine life here in San Antonio without air conditioning, right?
Just stop and think about that for a minute. Triple-digit heat. No AC. Sweat. Constantly being uncomfortable.
Fact is, life without AC is a pretty common occurrence in other parts of the country. In fact, I just got back from a trip where I stayed in two hotels that didn’t have AC. It wasn’t that I was trying to be cheap by any means – but when you book a room in upstate Washington and Vancouver, you’re not exactly worried about the heat being a factor!
The first trip involved a stay at a lodge at Mt. Rainier. Highs in the summer are typically in the 60-70˚ range – perfect weather for a day out hiking in nature. I say typically because the highs during our visit topped 90˚ – not so perfect hiking weather. The only relief at the lodge was an open window with little breeze. That meant cold showers had to come to the rescue more than a few times.
From there, we headed north to beautiful Vancouver. The average temperature there in July is also in that 70˚ range (22˚C if you’re Canadian). During our stay, we were closer to 90˚. At least that hotel provided three fans to get through the heat wave. Believe me, those fans made a huge difference.
Let me be clear: I’m not trying to elicit sympathy for a vacation to two of the most gorgeous places on this continent! But it does help with a simple lesson to remember in summer: Don’t take your AC for granted. Fans can help if you don’t have AC (and ceiling fans, in particular, can be a massive help for your air conditioning system). And don’t forget to check on those around you living without AC.
Take care out there.