How to Keep Ants Out of Your AC Unit
Air conditioners are a major investment for any homeowner. If you choose an efficient model and keep up with the recommended maintenance, your HVAC unit could last you well over 15 years with few needs for AC repair. The last thing you want to happen, after doing everything you’re supposed to do, is for your AC to short circuit due to insect invaders. San Antonio residents are used to summer fire ant invasions and know to avoid their mounds. However, it’s another type of ant, tawny crazy ants, that may do the most damage.
Crazy ants, known for their erratic movements, tiny bodies and swarming tendencies, make their homes in existing structures because they don’t build the tunnel-filled mounds we’ve come to associate with ants in general. In fact, they don’t do any digging at all! (I know what you’re thinking – Crazy ants? More like lazy ants!) They make their homes in protected spaces like the inside of your air conditioner, walls, sheds and pretty much anywhere else available to them. So besides the fact that nobody likes an ant infestation to begin with, why do you want to keep crazy ants out of your air conditioner? The fact is, these tiny insects can cause some big problems.
As humans, we know to proceed with caution near electrical components. Ants, on the other hand, are blissfully unaware that walking through a machine running with electrical current could be the last thing they ever do. When crazy ants choose to set up residence in your HVAC unit, they often form a contact bridge between two electrical points. This results in their electrocution and the subsequent release of distress pheromones. The pheromones sound an alarm to the other crazy ants to swarm to the rescue and fight off the “attacker.” As you can imagine, the more ants there are to create contact bridges, the more unintentional electrocutions take place. This chain of zaps and infestations can quickly lead to a costly short circuit in your air conditioner.
So how do you take back your air conditioner from crazy ants? We talked to the experts at Apple Pest Control for more information.
“We can treat with many different methods depending on the type of unit,” said owner Stan Goodson. “One option is to set up enclosed bait stations near the HVAC unit so the ants move in there instead.”
One thing’s for sure, ant pheromones are powerful communicators.
“After they have been exterminated the area will need to be cleaned up of any left behind pheromones or more ants will take their place.”
With summer around the corner, a working air conditioner turns from a luxury into a must-have item. If crazy ants have wreaked havoc on your HVAC system, call Apple Pest Control for a fast extermination and Champion Home Services if you need an AC repair in San Antonio.