When you’re at home, you want to be sure you’re breathing healthy air. Indoor air quality (IAQ) should be a high priority for your home when you schedule HVAC maintenance this summer. Healthy oxygen is crucial to the health of you and your family.
While it may seem like a daunting task, maintaining high levels of indoor air quality is more simple than you may think. Champion Home Services is here to keep your home healthy by providing clean indoor air! Keep reading to learn what easy changes you can make to improve your home’s IAQ.
What Are Some Common Indoor Air Contaminants?
The main contributing factor to poor IAQ is indoor air contaminants. They can lead to allergy-like symptoms like an itchy throat or runny nose. If these pollutants continue to thrive in your home, they can lead to more serious health concerns. A few of these contaminants include:
- Pollen or dust
- Pet dander
- Mold or mildew
- Carbon monoxide
- Asbestos
The best way to protect your home against these contaminants is to practice IAQ techniques indoors. Luckily, there are many solutions that you can implement in your household.
What Can I Do To Improve My Home’s Indoor Air Quality?
By making a few small indoor changes, you can expect healthy air in your home. Here are some ways you can improve your home’s IAQ and remove unwanted indoor pollutants.
Changing Out Your Air Filters
When you focus on HVAC indoor air quality, you can eliminate most of the pollutants from your home. Your air filters are a necessary tool for filtering out these pollutants and keeping your home clean. Air filters should be changed out every 2-3 months.
You can also ensure that your exhaust fans are properly maintained to combat contaminant build-up. Exhaust fans can be used to clear up moisture in your bathroom or harmful gasses from your kitchen appliances. Your home is built to reduce these pollutants, so take advantage of these tools.
Having Household Plants
An easy way to get clean air is by placing houseplants in your home. These natural purifiers can detoxify your residence and produce clean oxygen for you and your family. Houseplants also produce a healthy amount of moisture to combat dry air. Dry air can damage your nasal passages and skin, so getting houseplants can open your airways and make it easier to breathe.
Removing Humidity In Your Home
Too much humidity can create many problems with your IAQ. Humidity invites mold and mildew into your HVAC system and can create a musty smell in your home. You can find this bacteria growing in places that are damp, such as your kitchen or your bathroom.
If you sense that you have mold or mildew growth, contact your local HVAC team. Our specialists can get these growths removed for you so you can keep your home safe from pollutants.
Indoor Air Quality Solutions San Antonio Residents Can Trust
If you’re looking to improve your home’s IAQ, Champion Home Services is here to help! Our team performs IAQ tests to take care of those hard-to-see pollutants. We can also perform maintenance on your home’s HVAC system to ensure your family is ready for the warmer months this season. Contact our team today for a consultation!